
Canahaus is committed to ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking do not occur within our business or our supply chains. This statement outlines the steps we have taken during the financial year ending 2022 to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations.

Our Business

Canahaus operates as a leading CBD blog and information resource, dedicated to providing the latest news, reviews, and insights on CBD and vaping. Our operations are based in the United Kingdom, and we work with a variety of partners and suppliers to deliver high-quality content to our readers.

Our Supply Chains

Our supply chains include suppliers of digital services, marketing, and other professional services necessary for the operation of our blog. We are committed to working with suppliers who share our values and adhere to the highest ethical standards.

Policies and Procedures

To combat modern slavery and human trafficking, Canahaus has implemented the following policies and procedures:

Supplier Code of Conduct

We require all suppliers to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes provisions against forced labor, child labor, and human trafficking.

Due Diligence

We conduct due diligence on new suppliers to assess their compliance with our standards and identify any potential risks related to modern slavery.


We provide training to our staff to raise awareness about modern slavery and human trafficking and to ensure they understand how to identify and report any concerns.

Reporting Mechanisms

We have established clear reporting mechanisms for staff and suppliers to report any suspected incidents of modern slavery or human trafficking.

Risk Assessment and Management

We recognize that certain areas of our supply chains may pose a higher risk of modern slavery and human trafficking. We regularly assess these risks and take steps to mitigate them, including:

  • Conducting risk assessments of new and existing suppliers
  • Engaging with suppliers to understand their practices and encourage improvements where necessary
  • Monitoring and reviewing our policies and procedures to ensure they remain effective

Performance Indicators

To measure the effectiveness of our efforts to combat modern slavery, we use the following performance indicators:

  • Number of staff trained on modern slavery awareness
  • Number of supplier audits conducted
  • Number of incidents reported and actions taken

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuously improving our approach to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking. In the coming year, we aim to:

  • Enhance our supplier due diligence processes
  • Increase training and awareness initiatives for staff and suppliers
  • Strengthen our reporting and monitoring mechanisms


Canahaus is dedicated to playing its part in the global fight against modern slavery and human trafficking. We will continue to review and improve our practices to ensure that our business and supply chains are free from these abuses.

This statement has been approved by the senior management team of Canahaus and will be reviewed annually.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this statement, please contact us at [email protected].

Date: 5 June 2024